Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A couple of lessons learned tonight...

Don't know if this is common knowledge among my very few blog readers, but I'm a pretty good cook...not sure why some people seem surprised about that.

Anyway, we've been having small group dinners every Thursday night. Last week, Chris and I hosted the dinner and I made spinach enchiladas and arroz con gandules (rice & beans).

Tomorrow's dinner is hosted at another group member's house, but I offered to bring dessert...Double Chocolate Ooey Gooey Butter Cake. Yummy...

I say all that to share a couple of lessons I learned in the kitchen tonight...actually I didn't learn them for the first time tonight, but for some reason I wasn't playing an A game tonight.

So, here they are:
  • don't try to scrape the sides of the mixer bowl with a spatula while the mixer is on
  • don't add vanilla (or any other liquid, for that matter) to the mixer bowl while the mixer is on...let's just say there was vanilla all over the place.

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