Thursday, September 06, 2007

A hectic weekend ahead...

We headed down to Richmond this morning for a 4 day missions trip to help a new church get ready to launch. We are helping with some community events this weekend and trying to get the word out in the community about the church.

Today we walked through several neighborhoods and put door hangers on front doors advertising a "screen on the green" tomorrow night. It was hot and we did a lot of sweating so be glad that there's no smell-o-blog technology. ;-)

We checked into the hotel a little after 8 p.m. and I was quite anxious to get a shower. Now that that goal has been accomplished, I'm looking forward to getting some sleep...we have an incredibly long day tomorrow so hopefully we'll get plenty of rest tonight. Tomorrow's activities include a cookout on the campus of Randolph Macon and a screen on the green (we're seeing "Over the Hedge") tomorrow night with a lot of set up and tear down for both events.

Anyway, headed to bed. Good night all.

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