Thursday, September 13, 2007

Important appointment at 10 a.m. tomorrow...

I have an extremely important appointment tomorrow at 10 a.m. So important that I put it on my Outlook calendar, although I had to make it a private appointment so all my coworkers (who look at my calendar) don't see the very important appointment.

I know you are thinking, "What could it possibly be?"

Well...I'll share. Tickets go on sale tomorrow (you guess it, at 10 a.m.) for the DC tour stop of the The Police. Just found out earlier this week that they added 5 or 6 more stops to their tour because of high demand.

So, I'll be online tomorrow at work (door closed and phone on do not disturb) trying to secure tickets for the concert. It's turned into quite an extravaganza...will be trying for 6 tickets. Me, Chris, Laurie (friend and coworker), Norida (friend and coworker) and my friend Rachel and her husband.

I'm so siked! I can't even stand it. Let's all say a brief prayer that I'll get through and get the tickets!

A moment of silence, please...

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