Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A season of frustration...

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be learning, but lately it seems like I'm encountering a plethora of frustrating experiences.

1. We discovered when we moved in that there's something wrong with the electrical work in certain parts of the house. The result is that I cannot blow dry my hair for more than 2 1/2 minutes without blowing the circuit (really...if I try 3 full minutes I blow the circuit).

We've called the property management company numerous times and I still haven't heard back from them.

2. We switched our car insurance to Geico 2 months ago and ended up saving around $700. Anyway, I cancelled our policy with Nationwide and have never heard another word from them.

Friday we got a notice from a collection agency stating that we owed Nationwide $143 and if we didn't pay immediately our credit record would be affected. Needless to say I was furious.

We aren't the type to not pay our bills...the problem is, how can you pay a bill that you've never received. We never actually received a bill from Nationwide...this is the first communication we've received about this $143.

So I called Nationwide to tell them how displeased I was with the situation and called the agency today to express my frustration to them and also to let them know that we'd be sending along the money as soon as Nationwide verified the validity of the bill.

In addition to the lovely notice in the mail, we've received phone calls yesterday and today.

3. On my way to work this morning, I got almost all the way to 395 and then got stuck a light for 3 or 4 cycles because people turning from the cross street kept blocking the intersection so when our light turned green there was no where for us to go.

Can I just say how incredibly rude that is? And these rude people cause all sorts of traffic questions because they think they're more important than the rest of us who are trying to be courteous drivers.

Ugh...how irritating.

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