Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chowing down...Torin, not me!

At Torin's 9 month check up, the pediatrician told us that we didn't need to feed Torin baby food any more...that we should be feeding him what we're eating. That kind of rocked my world because I felt like we were in a groove and we had to change everything.

So, we went home and decided we would try to give him some scrambled egg yolk (he's not supposed to have egg whites until he's a year old). He ate a couple of bites and proceeded to throw up in his high chair. I felt so bad. And I thought that maybe the egg yolk was too rich for him.

The next night we tried some macaroni and cheese and he threw up again. It was so sad. And I decided that he just wasn't ready. He didn't like the pieces of food.

So, we kind of went back to what we had been doing and tried to give him some chunkier baby food. Over the past couple of months he's been doing better with the chunkier food and so we decided since he was nearing the year mark (holy cow!) that we should be working on this more.

So, last Wednesday I gave him so chicken...he scarfed it down. He had chicken the next night too. And then...drum roll please! Last Friday, he ate some steak and green beans. He loved it! Of course the pieces were small, but he ate a bunch and was so happy!

On Monday, I gave him some banana for lunch and tonight he had some waffle for dinner. What a big boy! I can't believe it.

Have been feeling lately like I should be using my blog to document this kind of stuff so I don't forget it. Hence, this post recapping recent food issues. If anyone is reading this, great. If not, that's okay because it's really for me!

1 comment:

Ian said...

I am reading it. I am glad to hear he is starting to chow down.