This is another installment in "we can't forget all the funny things Torin says."
We're watching my mom's dog, Butch, while she's on vacation this week. My mom brings him over a lot so Torin's used to seeing him and having him around.
It's not unusual for Torin to say goodbye to Pebbles in the morning when we're leaving for school. This morning, though, we were walking out the door and he said goodbye to Butch. Only, he can't say Butch. He says, "B*tch." So it sounded like he said, "Bye B*tch!"
And yesterday, I let the dogs out and Butch was taking his sweet time so I was standing with the back door open yelling Butch's name. Of course Torin followed suit: "B*tch! B*tch!" I can only imagine what my neighbors would think if they'd heard him.
As a parent, I don't want to encourage him to continue saying that. But it's really very funny...laugh out loud funny.
On a side note, I should probably explain this to his teachers so that if he talks about Butch at school, they'll know what he's trying to say.
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