Monday, March 21, 2011

Days like today...

make me feel like an unfit mother.

Nothing super crazy happened, but Torin hasn't been feeling all that great and he was pretty moody today. And I'm tired and just not myself. The combo was not a good one.

My eyes are swollen from crying. My patience level is low and the enemy has me just where he wants me...discouraged and feeling defeated.

I love my son so much but boy does he know how to push my buttons. And when I'm already tired or my brain cells are focused on other things, there's a good chance that his button pushing is going to get a reaction.

Just telling it like it is. And, of course I know that I'm not an unfit mother. But there are days when it doesn't take much for me to feel that way.

Lord, help me to continue to grow in grace and to function beyond my feelings.


applesofgold said...

Finally, brethren,
whatever things are true,
whatever things are noble,
whatever things are just,
whatever things are pure,
whatever things are lovely,
whatever things are of good report,
if there is any virtue and
if there is anything praiseworthy—
meditate on these things.

We all have days like that. But you are far from unfit. I'm clinging to God's grace these last few days as I've been kind of short fused with my own kids. God brought this verse to mind this morning. He wants us to meditate on the things that are true, and honest and and lovely. Let that other stuff roll off your back.

Lora said...

Thanks for the encouragement and the verse. I think I should tattoo that on my arm. :)