Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Date night with my little dude...

Torin and I had a great date night this evening. I figured since Daddy had softball practice, Torin and I would go out for a night on the town.

First we went to Stride Rite to confirm my suspicion that his shoes were too small. He really did NOT want to get his foot measured but we did a quick measure and determined that his current shoes are, indeed, too small. Poor guy. I have such a hard time keeping up on the shoe thing. We left Stride Rite and with wearing his new shoes and saying, "New shoes. New shoes."

Then we went to Target to get diapers and contact lens solution. I know...we're total party animals.

We decided we wanted pizza for dinner so we went to Bertucci's for dinner. I forgot that they give the kids dough to play with it. He loved it. We made shapes and then I showed him how to take the end of his straw and make circles in the dough. Then we took two straws and made all the letters we could think of using 2 straws. His favorite was T for Torin. :)

Have to give a plug for their kids meals. Good sized pizza, drink and a little ice cream cup for just over $5. He LOVED the ice cream treat.

Came home for bath and bed. Great evening with my little dude.


JC said...

Dough to play with? I want some!

Lora said...

I'm sure if you asked really nicely, they would give you some, too. :)