Monday, August 06, 2007

AAA batteries, anyone?

This past Thursday we were up late trying to get packed for our trip to Tennessee and were finally ready for bed around 11:45. Considering we had to be up at 4:30 to get ready and get to BWI made us want to jump in bed immediately so we could at least get a few hours of sleep.

Okay...pausing for a bit of background. In our bedroom (here at our place in DC) we have a ceiling fan with an overhead light...which is great. We love it. But the only way to turn the fan and light off and on is by the remote.

Okay...back to the story. We keep the fan running all the time because the upstairs can be a bit warm. But we don't use the overhead light very often. Because we were packing, we turned on the light.

But lo and behold at 11:45 p.m. when Chris picked up the remote, the light would not turn off. The remote was flashing "Lo" which means that the batteries need to be changed soon. Well, soon apparently meant 11:45 p.m. on Thursday, August 2 because the light would not turn off.

Then began a search throughout the entire house for 3 AAA batteries. We found a bunch, but they were all dead. Chris said he would sleep downstairs. I said I'd be fine with sleeping with the light on and I gave up the search. Chris went back downstairs and finally returned with 3 more AAA batteries. And believe it or not, they worked and we were able to turn off the light.

There's a lesson in all of this. Well, actually a couple of them.

#1 - As soon as you see the remote flashing "Lo" change the batteries.
#2 - Always have plenty of AAA batteries on hand.

So while in TN, we bought a pack of 36 AAA batteries...hopefully that should last us a while!

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