Wednesday, August 08, 2007

What kind of Jewish deli is this?

After Chris' parents picked us up from the airport last Friday we went to Noshville for lunch...a Jewish deli in Nashville...cute, huh? It's actually one of my requirements for a trip down, so we have to go at least once each time we visit his parents.

Anyway, I had been looking forward to it and even knew exactly what I was going to order. Don't worry I won't keep you in suspense much longer.

When we sat down at our table and I started looking over the menu, I realized that I didn't see the item on the menu. I felt a moment of panic but then thought to myself...this is Noshville, they have to have it. And, I had eaten it there before.

When the server came to the table to check on us, I looked up and said, "You have gefilte fish*, right?" fully expecting her to say, "Of course we do."

But much to my dismay her response was, "No. We only serve it on holidays."

What? Excuse me. Hello. This is a Jewish deli. How can you not have gefilte fish. That's just insane.

And so goes the story of the Jewish deli with no gefilte fish. My mother-in-law claims it's because I'm the only one in the world who eats in. But I beg to differ. While it might not look appetizing, it's actually delicious. And with a little horseradish...yummy.

Needless to say, it was quite a disappointment...but I guess life goes on.

*For those of you who don't have the fortunate experience of knowing what this is, find out more about gefilte fish.

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