Friday, April 08, 2011

Kiss you, Help me and other Torin sayings

Feel like it's time for a post on all the fun new things Torin is saying.

He now says, "Kiss you" and will likely pull you to him. That means that he wants you to kiss him. It's only been a short while that he's actually been saying, "Kiss." Prior to that he said, "Tiss." Both are cute as can be.

Now when Torin says, "Help me" it means he wants to help you. When we get home from the grocery store, he runs into the kitchen yelling, "Help me, help me." He wants to help me put the groceries away. But when he needs help, he just says, "Help, help."

One of his new favorites is, "One more time." We went to Wal-mart and took a walk by the fish. He looked back at the fish and said, "One more time." I think I need to teach him, "Last time" or he'll keep saying, "One more time."

This morning he was in his bed playing and he pushed the button on a toy and said, "Yay! Great job!" Love it!!

He's such a funny guy!

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